Singsås Bo- og dagsenter
Styling and photoshoot
Den grønne nabo
Visual identity and label
Photo - Bentes Salong
Photoshoot with the creative team at Bentes salong for NM in hairdressing.
Ingrid Graftås Fløttum
Visual identity for musician, conductor and musical personality.
Bentes salong
Logo and signage for Bentes salong.
Amble Gård
Amble farm is located on the inner part of Sognefjorden. Here the valleys are perfectly steep for growing organic apples. We adapted the original packaging design to fit labels for bottles.
Photo - Holum Gård
Photo by crew member Fotograf Tom Gustavsen.
Holum Gård
At Holum Farm in Meldal, they make sure that all the sheep live an easy-going life. As a reward, they get wool of the finest kind. Of this wool they make natural yarn, from spoiled sheep …
In the woods, right below the Norwegian mountains you find a small organic tannery, Fjellgarveriet. Here they to things the old way with no chemicals added in the process. They use materials and resources from the surrounding area like bark, fat or smoke.
Våre falne
The book is a part of the War Seal Monument 2020, located at the Seamen's Church in London. The monument honors war victims who perished at sea during World War II.
Photo - Fjellgarveriet
Photo by crew member Fotograf Tom Gustavsen.
HyperNor organizes, builds and operates hyperloop transport system.
Raus is a small family owned business who harvest natural herbs from the Norwegian woods and produce tea and spices for you and me.
Fighting the coronavirus
Fighting the coronavirus at home. Playing video games.
The proposal
Its a ring, say yes!
X-mas calendar
The annual X-mas calendar for Instagram. Follow @nordicdesigncrew on Instagram.